It's not a bad thing. It's not much of a thing at all. There's just this "do-nothing" feeling that comes over me, even while I'm hatching ideas to take advantage of the beautiful summer weather. I end up lounging around, not getting dressed on the weekends until about 11:00, sitting outside with my feet up. A good time can be had for absolutely no money if you know what you're doing!
Back to the weather for a minute. It really has been (so far) a lovely summer. We have only had a handful of really hot, sticky days. Right now at nearly midnight it's cool and breezy and crystal clear. Tomorrow is going to be a gem of a day. I keep waiting for that disgusting week of high 90s every day, with really high humidity. It hasn't happened yet. Last weekend I drove out to a beautiful little nature center in New Jersey and wandered around in the woods for a while. Just perfect.
Tomorrow I'll take another picture of the little flower stalk on my snake plant. It's grown since the last one. I hope it does actually flower -- I'm dying to see what it looks like. Some of my petunias are all bloomed out so I'm on a search for replacements. And don't say impatiens! I have nothing against them in the abstract, it's just that they're everywhere. And to me they've some to represent a lack of imagination. (I hope I haven't pissed off any impatiens lovers.) And I am getting to be very fond of petunias, which I never used to care about. I think they come in way more colors than they used to. I have some dark violet ones that are really fragrant at night. I am going to go out and smell them again before I got to sleep.
I love petunias. I agree with the lack of imagination of impations. I myself love tuber begonias. I love the way they get huge flowers and the colors are so nice.
I also prefer just to have alot of green plants. I admit to having potted hostas. They just keep getting bigger and bigger and I like how they will grow just about anywhere.
I also have a thing for the mini roses.
*sigh* Now I want a small garden on my front porch. ;o)
I love hostas too. The thing is, I want as much color as I can get. Tuber begonias are beautiful but I haven't seen any at the places I've gone. I did end up getting a few pots of zinnias, which I don't usually care for either. And these are like a cream color, which is no color at all. But the plants are nice and full with lots of big fat leaves. Next year I'll have the time to plan better.
Portulaca is very colorful. Also cosmos. For colored foliage, you can't beat coleus.
Oh, and nasturtiums are very bright and colorful.
I really enjoy the plantiniums and the flowersiums. Those two are my faves.
So glad you haven't disappeared! How could I get through the day without your droll wit?
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