I've accepted the fact that getting this place to the state I want is going to be more of a marathon than a sprint. Things like money and time, they tend to slow the process down. But one major step has been accomplished: I have started the painting. This big room is a combined living room/dining area/kitchen. And eventually it will also have my office in one corner. So I figured one way to define the space was with color. This is a tad brighter than what I saw in my head, but I'm very happy with it. The other half of the room will eventually be some sort of muted reddish brickish color. Something like that.
I did this painting, with some help. I hate painting and I'm really not very good at it. Even though (as you can see) I taped out all the trim, there are still some places where the color got on the white moldings. And there are a few places where I missed little spots. Chalk it up to a) inadequate light and b) inadequate painting ability on my part. But it's done and it didn't cost me anything other than one gallon of paint and a couple rolls of masking tape. But the next time, I'm paying somebody to do it for me. I really don't like to paint.
I'll do it next time. That would've taken me 15 minutes. Then I would paint a mural on the other wall, just for the hell of it. That would cost you a 12-pack, though.
I love the color. I hate white walls. When I first moved into the place I have now, it was a complete disaster. The people that lived here really trashed the place. So the deal with the landlord was that the place would look better than before when I move out. New carpet, new paint, a shower installed...etc.
My livingroom and diningroom are seperated by a wide arch. I wanted the livingroom done in a dark green with cream colored trim. The diningroom would be a burgundy with cream. Didnt quite happen that want and it all ended up as a "lamplight" color. The whole thing is a light cream. The house is over 100 years old and I really wanted the bold colors for it but the walls were to be torn down and rebuilt. Never happened. There is even some 60 year old wall paper still up in the kitchen. YUK. Oh and dont forget some paneling in the bedroom. YUK.
bc, was the landlord going to do the work or let you do it for a break on the rent? What ended up getting fixed? I hope it's not still the wreck it was when you moved in.
wa11z, what kinda mural you have in mind? I'll
spring for the 12-pack as long as you do the clean-up. And fix my mistakes. And maybe paint the hall too.And put up the bookshelves...
I don't like white walls either, and have converted my husband over to my side. We haven't painted every room in the house yet, but we are working on it. I like what you've done. I encourage you to continue doing it yourself though. Painters charge outrageous fees and this is not difficult work.
Nothing too abstract, just maybe the history of civilization through the eyes of an alien intelligence that has never perceived anything below eleven dimensions. Or maybe naked women...
Naked women in 11 dimensions! That I got to see!
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