I can't believe it's been two weeks since the last time I posted! Well, yes maybe I can. There's this weird thing that happens beginning at the end of October. No, I mean besides my birthday. And besides the end of daylight savings time, although now that I think about it, maybe it does have to do with that a little. This is why I know that time is relative. Because right about now is when time starts to speed up. Days get shorter and everything goes faster. Yesterday I realized that it's only three weeks till Thanksgiving. How did that happen? It's this crazy year-end time compression thing. And then, in about a minute and a half, we'll find ourselves snacking on leftover turkey and stuffing, starting to think that maybe we really ought to start getting organized for Christmas/Chanukah/New Year. And then we blink twice and we're all yelling Happy New Year and it's 2008.
I know what you're going to say, that the calendar is just an arbitrary human invention for keeping track of everyone's birthday so we don't forget to send cards and presents. (Hint hint) But I think it's more than that. I think there's some gravitational shift or maybe the year is not evenly weighted to begin with. Once you kind of crest the hill at Halloween, gravity takes over and we all just come tear-assing down to Christmas and New Year's, whether we plan it that way or not. I think an interesting experiment would be to investigate different parts of the world and see if there are some places where the gravitational pull isn't so strong. I'm thinking that Fiji might be once place. There's a good chance that non-Western countries near the equator that don't celebrate Western/northern hemisphere holidays might not feel it as strongly. But who knows? Maybe you take your gravity with you when you travel. This requires further thought.
Happy Birthday!!!
I know what you mean about end of year time compression. I had intended to pass out lots of Christmas gifts are T-day and need to seriously get it in gear in order to do so.
Happy Birthday!
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Have a great Birthday weekend.
What is this, spam? I'm getting spammed on my blog? Who is this guy? Has anybody heard of him?
LL gets spammed all the time. Blame him. LOLOL
This time of the year is a killer on my paycheck. November is when I never get a full week in. There are too many days off and too many half days. Thats the trouble with being at the school. LOL
Happy Birthday. I came across your blog at the recommendation of a friend...
Oh wait, I'm actually real and am also interested in what you have to say. Wherever we go we take our gravity with us. Or something.
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