Tuesday, August 05, 2008

The most incredible news that almost was

A friend of my brother writes for some aviation publication. He gets to cover the NASA missions and space stuff. When I see him we talk about it. Yesterday my brother told me that he heard from his friend that there might be some REALLY BIG NEWS coming out of NASA within a week or two. He said that they were keeping it very tightly under wraps, but seemingly the word "diatom" was being tossed about. ARE YOU TELLING ME THAT THEY FOUND EVIDENCE OF LIFE ON MARS????????? I was beside myself with excitement. What in the world could possibly be more amazing and wonderful?

Well, it didn't take that long for it to come out. Now, I shouldn't get too disappointed because as the NASA guys say, they don't know what they have. And maybe that's their way of saying without saying. Maybe they already know it for sure but can't say until they can prove beyond a crumb of doubt. Or maybe it was just rumor that ran away with itself. But for a day, it felt like anything was possible. It may still happen. It will still happen eventually. I just really really really hope it's soon.


wa11z said...

We'll find out someday when they drop from the sky and begin incinerating our cities with their violet-tinged death rays.

TheWriteGirl said...

Why violet? Just wondering.

wa11z said...

'Cause it sounds better than fuschia-tinged.

ctheokas said...

I prefer the magenta tinged ones. They are FAB-U-LOUS!!!

You know, somehow I knew would could take what is the rumor of one of the biggest moments in human history, and turn it into a time to make jokes.

TheWriteGirl said...

You gotta admit, as possibly monumental as it is, it's also filled to the brim with potential for humor.