Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I really am tired of worrying about money. I've been doing it for way more years than I care to think about. And it always seems to happen that just when I think I'm in a pretty good position and I can save a little more, something comes up and I'm back to square one again. They promised raises at work a YEAR AGO and they still haven't come through. All of this makes me cranky and also depressing to be around. I don't want to talk about it any more.

I did indulge in a movie last weekend. I finally saw The Dark Knight. Heath Ledger was beyond spectacular. But the rest of the film -- eh. I thought it was about an hour too long. I thought that it was full of a lot of crazy pyrotechnics and fights that didn't go anywhere. I thought the plot was muddled. I thought everyone tried very hard but the story didn't know where it was going or what it wanted to say. Of course I'll watch Christian Bale in anything. I can't wait to see him as John Connor. But I have to say, I liked Batman Begins way, way better.


wa11z said...

Ledger stole the show no doubt, but I still thought it was really good.

Rex Venom said...

Rock on!

fermicat said...

That sucks about your raise not coming. Maybe something other opportunity will present itself.

I still haven't seen Dark Knight, but I am thinking of fixing that on Sunday. At least it won't be crowded...

BC said...

I havent seen it yet either. Not like I have money to do anything.