I came across a call for entries in a playwriting contest a while ago for plays about science. There's even a cash prize for the best one -- $10,000! Not too shabby, right?
Given that it took me several years of start-stop work to finish the one I have, it's doubtful I'll be able to complete this in time for the deadline, which is December 15. But I think I'm going to give it some serious consideration. Now all I need is a subject. Keep in mind I am not a scientist. I wasn't even especially good at it in high school or college. But I reallly like it. And I'm pretty good at taking new information and making it sound like I know what I'm talking about.
So far the one idea I had for a subject is from an exhibit I like a lot at the planetarium, the relative sizes of stuff, comparing it all by powers of 10, from the visible universe to a proton. I wrote a post about this a while back. How I'm going to expand it into 60-90 minutes I don't know. But that $10,000 sounds pretty attractive. I'll keep you all posted on my progress or lack thereof (which is the more likely outcome).
Make it a love story and have a man (or woman) use this concept as a way to show haw much they are in love with the other person. Use flashbacks to show how the relationship progresses and gets more serious with the passage of time and use the larger that things get as a model for this. Have one majoring in science and this is how they are able to tell the other person how they feel. Now write it!!
Cool idea. I like it! Hey - why don't you write it? Or better yet, do a painting about it?
The Sloan Foundation is doing something similar with movies. The thing is, you have to spend all the cash on the movie. That's a tough script to write, I think.
This is very cool!!! I know I wouldnt be able to do it. Good luck and even if you dont finish it, Im sure we would all love to see what you come up with.
I deal with foundations and grants all day in my job. If you get to the point where you want to look for some grants let me know. I'll do a little recon for you.
Every dollar is counting for me now that Im unemployeed for the summer. I need cash!! Im even thinking to apply for a part time job and Walmart....groan....
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