Sunday, June 15, 2008

Good god, just how much authenic/genuine Cialis/Viagra can one girl use?

Is it just me or has the amount of E.D.-related spam increased geometrically recently? On my Mac at home, I used to get none/zero/zip spam. Now a few manage to sneak through. But when I check my e-mail on my PC at work tomorrow, I can guarantee you there will be at least 175 spam messages, 99% of which will be imploring me to stock up on Cialis and Viagra. Personally I'd like to think that I myself am sufficient to produce the desired result, so I take it as a little bit of an insult to start with. Okay, not everyone is as thin-skinned as I am. But honestly! What do they think I'm doing? Do they think I'm throwing orgies every night? Actually...that might not be such a bad idea. But regardless! I wasn't born yesterday. I am an informed consumer. I refuse to fall for all of these so-called "deals." Maybe just one or two, though. After all, it doesn't hurt to be prepared, right?


Beth said...

Wow, I'm having the same problem with my e-mail. I'm getting about 100 every 2 days for this junk.

ctheokas said...

I get those, too, but I also get offers for larger breasts and replica watches.

TheWriteGirl said...

Or is it replica breasts and larger watches?

fermicat said...

I, for one, would NOT like to "increase my girth"...

wa11z said...

So the Viagra is for your...penis?

BC said...

You can always try the ones I get for a penis patch. Seems mine isnt big enough.

TheWriteGirl said...

That's what they always say. I'm wondering, how do they know? Do you suppose they're psychic?