Or maybe it goes too far. A friend came over after work today and together we polished of a bottle of chilled-not-quite-enough Pinot Grigio that I picked up on my way home. Took maybe an hour, with lots of blah blah blah in between. But it seemed liked it disappeared way too quickly. I squoze out the last few drops by wringing the neck of the bottle -- try it next time, I swear it works. But it didn't really help the contents last longer.
Fast forward several hours and I find myself still unable to do any meaningful work. Oh sure, I can pass for intelligent, but I assure you the resemblance stops there. I just don't understand how all those famous writers used to work under the influence of multiple (and large!) doses of distilled spirits. Unless they were all lying. Or maybe they were just better drinkers than I am. Ever notice how it's always the macho men who make these claims? I'll bet Joan Didion or Margaret Atwood or Toni Morrison ever talked about how they used to go out and drink the night (or day) away and then go home and polish off several brilliant chapters. Events conspire against me.
I believe in you! Try a little hair of the dog, see if that helps.
I agree that wine goes down way too easily (and too fast). I can't write with a damn when I've been drinking. Those writers must have been drinking all the time and therefore adjusted to that condition.
that should read "worth a damn" NOT "with a damn"
(and no, I haven't been drinking...)
I like it the first way! And I am going to try writing with a damn. I'm interested to see what kind of results I get.
The work that they create is from a "distilled" mind. More than likely, they cant write while sober. ;o)
I think I'm gonna start drinking with a damn and see what happens.
having just downed a bottle of pinot grigio myself, and having googled 'pinot grigio' for some absurd reason! ( must be the pinot grigio) i know exactly what you mean! where did it go???!!
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