Is this not a beautiful thing? This is the Large Hadron Collider under construction at CERN in Geneva. By next summer, those happy physicists will be slamming protons together, hoping to recreate the same conditions that were present when the universe was less than a trillionth of a second old. They're hoping to find -- finally! -- the Higgs Boson. And they're expecting to discover all kinds of weird and unexpected stuff. I wish I were a physicist.
You know the Higgs Boson is going to be in the very last place they look. What a scamp!
I'd say half the fun is in looking but that just sounds so lame. At least they'll turn up some wonderfully bizarre stuff. Hey - what d'ya say we have a naming contest for the new particles they find?
Very coooool!!!
I suggest a Wa11z particle of coolness.
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