Saturday, July 19, 2008

A fragile grasp on it all

Just when I think I've got a reasonable grasp on my life and things are running at least somewhat smoothly, it all goes to hell. In mere moments. Those being the moments my wayward offspring appeared at my door, big, fat suitcase in tow. This is the guy who for the last four years (give or take) has made his home in Shanghai, China. Last time he blew through town was over Christmas. Right after that he found his current girlfriend and then I hardly heard from him for weeks. But now that summer sizzles in Shanghai very much like New Orleans, he decided to bail and spend the summer here in the Northeast. There's also the part about how he's basically broke at the moment, but let's not go into that right now. It will make me mad all over again.

First let me make very clear that I am crazy about this guy. He's the smartest, funniest person I know. Spending time with him is always a hoot. But he has a very heavy footprint. He makes his presence known. He's got his own room and yet his crap has managed to cover nearly every available surface in my apartment. Shoes in the middle of the floor. Shirts on the back of the chair. Books on the dining table. Papers and notes on the kitchen counter. Towels on the sofa. You get the idea. I thought that when they grew up, I wouldn't have to deal with this kind of stuff any more. Oh no! Apparently it never ends.

So not only has he disrupted my tidy home, he's also up-ended my concentration, my schedule, basically my life. I can't use my computer when I want, and even if I can, I'm too distracted. I keep buying groceries and they keep disappearing. And I don't even want to talk about the bathroom!

I suppose it's my own fault. I kept telling him that he should spend more time here. Well, hell -- I missed him! Now that he's here, I'm looking forward to September when he packs up and goes home to China. Then at last I'll be able to clean my house and have it stay that way for more than a minute and a half.


BC said...

But look at it this way...Hes there with you and not somewhere where you cant get to him if something happens. I dont know about you but I wouldnt want to be in China right now.

But honestly, take all you can get because when hes gone home, you will miss him.

I dread the day that my kid wants to leave home.

fermicat said...

Sounds like a mixed blessing. But it IS your house, so tell him to pick up his schtuff!

wa11z said...

Doe he read your blog?

TheWriteGirl said...

I know, I know. I shouldn't complain. And in the cosmic scheme of things, this counts for less than nothing. Believe me, I do tell him to pick up his stuff. He laughs good naturedly and ignores me. He goes on a charm offensive. And no, he doesn't read my blog. He would if I told him where to find it. I'm not sure I want to share it with him. At least this is one area he can't make a mess in.

ctheokas said...

You missed him!?! Well, then get a better scope!

Ha! I love that joke.

Anyway, maybe he's ultra neat and tidy in his own space. We all tend to revert when we get around those people we refer to as "family."