I got a phone call from Melanie at Geico Insurance telling me that the BIG, FAT STUPIDHEAD JERK truckdriver who took out the whole side of my car back in December is claiming that I hit him and his insurance company is denying liability! Not only am I really angry, I am dumbfounded. How he could even claim that is ridiculous. It would have been physically impossible for me to cause the damage done to my car if I had hit him. I would have to have come from behind him, run my car into the side of his 18-wheeler and then continued to drive for another 10 or 15 feet after first making impact. I'm serious when I say that the driver's side of my car looked like someone came along with a giant can opener and ran it along the side, back to front. In fact, I would have to have driven ahead of him, then backed up for 10 feet, sideswiping him the whole time. Yup, there's me in my Hyundai Elantra, about to take on a tractor trailer.
So Geico is taking it to arbitration. Seems to me all any arbitrator has to do is look at the photos of the damage to realize I couldn't possibly have hit him. I intend to make this guy cry. I intend to make him beg for mercy. And by the way, I have his name and address if anybody wants to harrass him.
Wow, something so clear cut turns into this. I saw an old woman slam her mini-van into a car yesterday with a man, woman, and their children inside. She got out of her van and kept yelling, "I didn't do nothin'! I didn't do nothin'!"
I don't understand people like that. I've hit people (bumped, actually) and I've apologized, given my info, etc. (and I was 18!)
The world needs a responsibility check. Luckily, the facts are on your side.
Let's just hope that the facts are enough. The body shop guy who fixed my car asked me if the guy had out of state insurance. I said yes and he said "good luck getting your money back." I hope he's wrong.
What an ass. Yes, lets hope that any arbitrator who is smarter than a cockroach can see the obvious facts here. But it sucks you have to go through all this for something that someone else screwed up.
At least last time I got hit, the woman owned up to it and her insurance was very prompt making it right.
I'm not really a blogger. But I did switch my car insurance to Geico...
And did you save 10 to 15%? I know I did. But then this jerk ran into me...
He is doing this in the hopes that you will be intimidated and back down. He know that an accident will destroy his record and possibly his job. Dont back down.
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