I'm sensing a theme here...or is it a pain in the ass obsession? Could be. But come on, admit it, this is one kickass nebula. Thor's Helmet, it's called. Also known as NGC2359. Not quite as catchy but a little more informative...if you know the code, that is. Me, I don't know it. But I don't care. I only that when I look at it, I get all goosebumpy on the inside. Go think about that for a while. I'll never make it in this lifetime. I probably won't even make it to Mars. But in my mind, I'm already there.
Are you saying you're a space cadet?!?
I'm with you. Hubble photos are totally captivating.
I can see why it's called Thor's helmet. Pretty sweet.
Space cadet? That's me all over!
I think its really cool. Makes you sit and wonder what is truely out there. What other life forms? Do they speak our language? Ok, I will go back to my corner. I tend to get carried away. :D
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