Saturday, November 29, 2008

Yet another thing to waste time on

After being harangued and bugged and pushed and prodded (okay, that might be a little excessive), I have finally gone and stuck myself on facebook. One reason I resisted for so long is that, knowing how easily distracted I am, I will end up spending yet more of my already endangered free time goofing around there and not doing what I should be doing, which is writing.

Okay, it is fun. Kind of. At least I was able to find one decent picture of myself to stick up there. Now I officially exist. Seriously, it's getting to be like that, isn't it? If you don't have a page on facebook and a blog and a site for your photos, people might think you aren't real. And then I think, what if my online self is way more interesting than my real one? Now I have something new to worry about, too.


fermicat said...

Still resisting, for now.

TheWriteGirl said...

Good luck! It's like a black hole that suck you in. Try and stay on THAT side of the event horizon.