Friday, November 21, 2008

Quantum of Sadness

My camera broke! My cute little Canon companion! I turned it on the other day to catch some pics of the wonderful November sky and the screen flickered and broke up into lines and then went black. (Sigh...remember the days when cameras didn't need to be turned on? They just worked.) Anyway, I changed the batteries, even though I was fairly sure this wasn't the problem. And I was right. The only thing I can think of was that it fell from the table to the floor. But it was ensconced in its nice cushiony case and it fell onto a soft rug. It was not a big clunk but more of a little plop. And I'm not sure but I think I may have used it after that. Well, whatever the cause, it's non-functional. I don't know if they bother to fix these guys or will just tell me to get a new one. Well guess what, I don't have a spare $200 to replace it now. Not fair.


fermicat said...

I was very dismayed when I dropped my new camera last year, not long after I got it. They are so fragile.

I did get another eventually. And am so much more careful now that I know what can happen.

TheWriteGirl said...

If it had been a regular old 35mm with a mechanical shutter, that probably wouldn't have happened. But someone gave me the name of a camera store to go to where I can get a good used one for half the price -- and it comes with a 30 warranty. So that's probably what I'll do.

TheWriteGirl said...

Oops, that's supposed to be a 30-day warranty.