Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Shiny Clean Birthday to me!

It's my birthday today and I am celebrating by taking today (and tomorrow) off from work. My agenda for today is very full:

1) make french toast for breakfast (done)

2) clean the bathroom and scrub the soap scum off the tub walls (done)

3) spend some time ambling aimlessly around the internet (in the process)

4) take my laptop in to get the damn iPhoto fixed

5) go to the dermatologist and see what this strange irritation on my lip is all about

6) go running

7) make cupcakes

8) enjoy said cupcakes along with some champagne and a few of my best buds

Like I said, this is a very ambitious agenda but the reward at the end should provide enough incentive.


ctheokas said...

Clean soap scum!?! Huh. Fair enough. Happy birthday! And I think you'll make it through the list. Except for the iPhoto part.

TheWriteGirl said...

Thanks. And you're right, I didn't get that fixed. It involves more money than I can spend on it right now. I'll have to limp along or find someone cheaper. Know any Mac wizards in town who work cheap?

fermicat said...

Happy (belated) birthday! Hope your day off wasn't all drudgery. How was that get together?

TheWriteGirl said...

The evening was kind of on-the-fly. I was meeting friends from work at a cool champagne bar. But when I got there, there was a private function going on and it was pretty much closed. So I waited outside in the chilliness. Fortunately, they have comfy upholstered chairs out there so that was nice. But my friends were about 40 minutes late and I was just about to bail when they showed up. We went to a place across the street, which turned out to be really nice. I want to go back and eat there sometime. The champagne was really good, and very expensive as it turned out. But the drag of it was that my pals did nothing but complain about work. I can do that anytime! I wanted something a little different and more fun. But I didn't say anything. It was nice to discover a neat new watering hole. I'm looking forward to going back.

How's the bathroom coming, by the way?

fermicat said...

The bathroom project is coming along. They did the drywall and installed the waterproofing in the shower area. Today they tiled the floor (we picked a marble, since the room is so tiny - 45 square feet didn't exactly break the bank!!) and tomorrow they will grout and seal. We've got just a few more things to buy -- a door, a light, and a mirror.