Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Why it's not a good idea to post while drunk

It should be fairly obvious, given a few minutes of reflection, but I thought it was worth mentioning anyway. My observation has been that posting -- or attempting to post -- while more than superficially under the influence of alcohol, is probably not a good idea. Sad to say, the same drunken delusions of brilliance that inspire us to blather like idiots at parties can extend to the written word as well. Trust me, I've seen it in action. I won't embarrass the writer by identifying him but let me tell you, it's a cautionary tale if ever there was one. Thank god for the edit function!

Oh, the temptation to spill your guts in an atmosphere of presumed bloggy intimacy! Your blog brothers and sisters, ever sympathetic, non-judgmental, always there to lend a friendly ear. Unless of course you feel inclined to share your innermost thoughts about EVERYTHING...including why you hate poodles, and why you think your ex-girlfriend just might be an alien, or at least a closet Republican.The cold hard truth is, nobody really wants to know this shit. And certainly not when it's expounded in hysterical sentence fragments and inane attempts at philosophical irony.

I, thankfully, self-censor myself in such situations. Ernest Hemingway be damned -- I know I can't write when I'm drunk! So, if I'm alone, I content myself with wandering around my apartment and yammering at the walls. Or I spew it all into a Word document which I promptly delete. It's a practice I highly endorse. You guys should thank me for it.


ctheokas said...

"...and why you think your ex-girlfriend just might be an alien"

Gotta admit, WG, my interest is piqued!

wa11z said...

I demand a Part II as well!

TheWriteGirl said...

What, you mean that hasn't happened to you? The unexplained disappearances, the strange utterances, the luminescent slime between the sofa cushions? I thought...well...never mind.

As far as Part II goes, I'm not even sure that Part I reached a satisfactory conclusion. But I'll see what I can do.

BC said...

And here I was going to write something about my lung slugs again. LOL

TheWriteGirl said...

bc, I think you might be onto something!

Beth said...

I wish I could get drunk even if it meant inane ramblings. I have teenagers and have been trying to look responsible since I brought them into this world. Five more years till everyone's in college and then it's chug chug chug time for mom. Nah, probably not, but it still sounds good. =/

TheWriteGirl said...

Beth, that's what sleepovers were invented for! Send your offspring to their friends' for the night, then pop the cork and let 'er rip! Then there's summer camp, a weekend at the grandparents, the opportunities are endless when you get creative.