Every day now I go to work with the idea in the back of my mind that, if I get disgusted enough, I can always walk out. I heard somewhere that some suicidal people actually become more daring and confident after making the fateful decision. They figure, "well, if it gets too bad, I can always kill myself." Strange and counterintuitive. But it has made going to work a little more entertaining for me. I keep wondering now if this will be the day. I know, you probably think I'm a quit-tease. I flirt with quitting but never actually do the deed. Well, not yet anyway. But I am actually looking for another job.
I also got a possible lead on a whole buttload of freelance work. That would be great because I could work at home. But it would also mean I'd have to pay for my health insurance and do estimated taxes and all that crap. Also no paid vacation. I had set a deadline of being out of there by the end of September. But that's only 4 weeks from now and I have to give at least 2 weeks notice. So that means finding something in the next 2 weeks. Can she do it? Tune in next time....
I'm wishing you success. I hope you find something you like better.
Do it! I cannot tell you how happy I am that I no longer work at my shitty old job. The new one isn't paying great, but my level of happiness makes up for it. Besides, you can't put a monetary value on happiness. Hope it works out for you. Keep us updated!!
It's true you can't put a monetary value on happiness but you can sure put one on debt. I've been in debt before and I've been happy before. But never both at the same time. So while I'm looking for other work, I've adopted an "I don't give a shit" atttitude. It's very subtle, but I'm the only one who needs to know about it.
Hey, whatever works.
I hope you do find something better that you can be happy with. Also in the mean time enjoy the freelance work too. Dont take on too much of it but still enough that some extra cash comes in.
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