Since rock music and I began to grow in different directions, I have gotten more and more into jazz. It's great because there is this virtually infinite universe of music that I haven't heard yet, so I get to discover new things all the time. And now that head-banging isn't what floats my boat, I can listen to lots of different styles and instruments and musicians. I'm having a great time. It also makes me feel like a grownup, which is occasionally a good thing.
So I went to hear some Brazilian jazz last night. It was a trio of Brazilian musicians plus two American guys. They also had a female singer, also Brazilian, for a few songs. I went to the early set (it being a work night and all) so they were just getting warmed up. I wish I could've seen the later show. They must have been awesome. The sax player (one of the Americans) looked like a shapeless, dorky kind of 1940s businessman, like somebody out of a movie you'd see on MST3K. But he was wailing! It's kind of reassuring to see a gang of jowly middle-aged white guys being the hippest cats in the room and just totally cutting loose. My friend and I got to sit right in front of the bandstand, although to be honest, there wasn't a bad seat in the place. It's small, holds maybe 150 tops. Everybody should get doses of live music at regular intervals. It just feels great. And it's especially cool when it doesn't blow your eardrums out.
Tastes change. I remember fondly all the times I went to the Iron Horse in Northampton, MA to hear live music (back when I lived in New England). PDM and I really should try to get out more. Although we were out at a place tonight listening to a very local duo, who are actually quite good and friendly as well.
I've been looking backwards at Rock, landing on Punk mostly. So most everything I've been listening to has been from the late 70s, early 80s. As for today's music, I don't think it's too loud, I just don't think it's for me.
As for Jazz, I love the Brazilian stuff. My ex got me into it, and while I don't listen to it often, I never turn it off when I hear it.
I dig Return to Forever. Classic stuff.
Northampton? I went to UMass and had a bunch of friends who lived there. There was an amazing little storefront Mexican restaurant there then. I think it was called The Alamo. My brother still goes back from time to time to see old buds who still live there.
Never went to any restaurants there - the Iron Horse had food and it was a long way from home for me. I would go with my friend Shelli and we'd get pub food and beer and listen to the music. Ah, the good old days.
(is overcome with nostalgia)
I love listening to Brazillian stuff. A friend of mine introduced it to me and it is really different. I love all music. Some of the songs themselves suck. But mostly it all is good. I look at it in a way that these people are doing something they enjoy.
My nephew lives in Boston and he goes to the Jazz clubs there.
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