Wednesday, September 19, 2007

In crazed pre-vacation mode

So I'm leaving on vacation on Saturday. I've never felt so unprepared for a trip, ever. I'm going to Arizona -- my first encounter with the desert -- and I'm still a few t-shirts short of a suitable wardrobe. I missed buying shorts while they were still in the stores so I ended up making cutoffs of an old pair of jeans. I have no idea what happened to my old shorts. Lost in the move, maybe. I did manage to purchase a pair of hiking shoes online. And they fit! Ta-da! But before I go, I have a buttload of work to get through.

I've had two job interviews in the past two weeks, adding to my sense of dislocation. I have a strong feeling that one or the other of them will come through. One, however, has asked me to write a short spec piece. It happens occasionally. But I also have parts of two freelance projects to deliver before Friday. How do I get myself into these things? Well, one way or the other, it will all be over in 2 days and I'll be on a plane.

One of my main vacation activities, besides hiking and hanging out by the pool will be finishing the rewrite on the second draft of my big play. (There's also my little play, but I'm not going there now.) This will be my chance to tackle this sucker. A big chunk of clean, unencumbered time. if I can't do it next week, then I better just give up. I've been whining for so long about "not having any time." Now I'll have it, so it's put up or shut up time.

Knowing how my brain works, I'm sure I'll also find myself hatching new writing projects as I absorb the new, alien environment. This has been known to happen. Damn inspiration! I don't mind that I'm going alone. I'm looking forward to reveling in the solitude and the silence. I hope the sky is very clear. I plan to lose myself (figuratively speaking) in the starry nights.

The job thing is weird. In my mind, I'm already gone from the present one, although still there in body. But I don't want to think about that. I want to think about the desert and the stars.


BC said...

Im jealous. I want a vacation too. Especially one that I can actually relax and have nothing better to do than to look at the stars. It has been my dream to be able to do that. Doubt it will ever happen though.

Have a great time!!!! :D

ctheokas said...

My next vacation is when I go to my dad's for Thanksgiving. But with classes, that's not going to be a real vacation, you know? It'll be a vacation-ette. So take advantage, WriteGirl, while you can. If not for yourself, then for me and BC.

wa11z said...

Arizona is beautiful at night. There really isn't a lot of artificial light and the night sky is a thing of beauty. You'll have fun, I'm sure.

TheWriteGirl said...

ctheokas, while I'm writing, you better be shooting. Or storyboarding. Or running sound on someone else's shoot. Or whatever you've got on your schedule for the week. You've been very quiet about it all. I'm waiting to hear.

fermicat said...

Bon Voyage! I love Arizona. The desert is so wild and beautiful.