Wednesday, December 13, 2006

God, I love online banking!

I do, I love it! I resisted for a while but I'm so glad I finally gave in. Just paid my Amex bill. Rather, I scheduled it for payment in two weeks. Now, as soon as the bills come, I schedule the payment and forget about it. I haven't been late with anything in months!

I gave up trying to balance my checking account a long time ago. When all I did was write checks it was easy. But now that I pay for stuff with my debit card all the time, and take cash out from the ATM, who can keep track of it all? I used to worry about it, but now if I want to know what my balance is, I just go online. I'm telling you, this is a wonderful thing.

And no, Bank of America did not pay me to say that.


fermicat said...

I've thought about converting to online bill paying, but never seem to do it. There is something satisfying about being in control, writing the check and mailing it. Of course, if the post office loses it - there goes the whole feeling of being in control.

TheWriteGirl said...

I went through that too, but the fact is that you have more control because you specify the day you want the bill paid and you can change the payment amount or even cancel it right up the day. I don't want to talk you into it, but I ran all those arguments in my head too. And I can't tell you how much less stressed I am about it now.