Saturday, November 11, 2006

Feeling a little buggy

So I finally got to the end of the Week From Hell. Hysterical (and not in a funny way) day Friday right down to the wire -- the 4:00 PM deadline. My stuff was done on time but this was a multi-person project and some others were not prompt. But I couldn't enjoy my Friday evening because I had to run out and go directly to see a freelance client and work there for 3 hours to meet their deadline. This morning I had a class, then went back to the freelance client to finish up. About an hour into it, I start feeling a little...well...not great. I keep working but after another hour or so I had to call it quits. I was feeling really crappy. Really fatigued, headachey, not quite nauseous but definitely queasy.

I told my client I had to go home. Sweet guy that he is (and I mean that), he was very concerned. He offered to give me cab fare. It was a bit of a walk to my car but I think the air helped. By the time I got home I felt a little better but more tired. I lay down on the sofa, put on the TV and fell asleep for about 3 hours. Can't tell if I'm really ill or if it's just my body's delayed reaction to several weeks of stress and overwork.

Whatever, I'm not moving tomorrow. Hell, I'm barely moving now. Yup, I think it's back to the sofa for me!


fermicat said...

Take a day off. Hope you feel better.

Anonymous said...

I have the same thing right now. When I walk, it feels like an invisible hand is pushing down on my head. I stayed home and watched The Price is Right. Made me feel better.

TheWriteGirl said...

The Price is Right, huh? I watched Judging Amy in reruns on TNT. I think I've seen them all by now. If your whatever-it-is behaves like mine, you should be feeling better in another day or two. I still felt pretty tired but I went to work today. By the end of the day I felt pretty much back to normal.